May 13, 2023 A Bold Prayer that Changes History. Sermon by Andrew Marttinen May 13, 2023
Acts 4:29-31.
Catherine Booth, cofounder of the Salvation Army, One Woman's Desire to Bring Salvation to a Few Raises an army.
Catherine Mumford suffered from alot of pain and found it difficult to get outside. Catherine read the Bible through. She was interested in her father's salvation. She started to long for all to know Jesus. In 1844 she moved and taught 15 girls in a school. She met William Booth, a preacher who differed in some beliefs. Catherine felt women should be able to preach. William did not prevent women from preaching but did not encourage it. Catherine, despite her beliefs was too afraid to do it herself, until she was at a meeting where she felt compelled to speak. A voice said 'don't make a fool of yourself'. She rose despite her fears. William was impressed and had a change in heart. He encouraged her to continue to preach Together they became founders of The Christian Mission. They were imprisoned many times for preaching in open air.
EG White was another woman who was not afraid to preach. It was not uncommon for Ellen and her husband James to preach together. At one occasion James spoke for 25 minutes. Ellen spoke for one hour and half.
Catherine Booth did not know what God would do through her, and made a decision to leave it in His hands. She helped to set up a food booth for the poor for a 3 course meal for 6 pence. Soon the Salvation Army was reaching many people in need. Catherine worked hard to help many of the poor of London. She did this while raising eight children. "The waters are rising but so am I".
Catherine prayed for her father. Praying for him forever changed her.
Ona July 4 William Booth was very hot, preaching to grieving people. While doing so a butterfly came in the window and flitted about the flowers. For 1500 years God's church in England was chapels, traditional music of the time, and worship within the confines of the church. The Booths dared to introduce bands to play worship music, women preaching, service to the poor. It was not well received at the time. Willian Booth prayed that he could be different for God.
God can give us boldness to speak to many. Even young people can pray for change for others. Does someone in your family need prayers? Is there someone you can ask to pray with you?
Catherine wrote a diary. She was blessed by morning prayers. She experienced agony while praying for her father. She prayed for boldness to speak His name. Catherine Booth did not intend to do more than pray for her father. She preached. She worked for others. She fought that women and children to have a voice in the community, and were important to God.
Peter and John were faithful disciples. The prayed for boldness and power. Acts 4. They prayed ad prayed.
Dwight Moody was a preacher who was first in his time to preach in a business suit instead of sacred robes. He wanted to preach at the same level of the people. He was the first to have a call to the front.
Are we bold enough to have a revival?
Acts 4: 29, 30. What was the response of prayers or boldness? The filling of the Holy Spirit.
Do you need boldness to share with others? In your own home? With families?
If you ask God to help, He will give you the strength.