Defeated. Sermon by Gabor Makula April 22, 2023
Hebrews 10:26: scary words. Does this apply to us? Do we ever willingly sin?
We know when we sin.
A look at those who willfully and unwillfully sinned
Moses when he hit the rock - did not willfully sin, was forgiven
Peter denied Christ - did not willfully sin, was forgiven
Aaron made the golden calf - Willfully sinned, repented and was forgiven.
Acts 5. Sold land and lied. Willfully sinned. Died on the spot. Did not have a chance to ask for forgiveness.
Searching the Bible for rules about sin - find love, grace, forgiveness
Rules do not bind the hands of God.
God gives opportunities to some. Why?
John 21:22 We only know as much about God's purpose as is good for us
How can I be forgiven?
Satan tries to trick us into giving up.
Jacob, Abraham and David all sinned. Abraham and Jacob had a promise and were impatient. They both needed to learn about God's character. Abraham was promised his seed would be a great nation. It seemed it would not happen, yet it did. Jacob sinned and still got the blessing he sought. It came at a great cost. He never saw is parents again. David stole Uriah's wife. He lied to himself. It us never too late to come to God. God forgave David. David humbled himself. God does not take away the consequences of sin.
Don't give up when you are betrayed into sin. Satan will try to make you believe you are not forgiveable.
"Master, what shall I do to be saved?"
The words of God show the principles of holiness. The Bible points to sin and reveals the way to salvation. "Love that never runs dry". Love is eternal. The law does not change.
Love leads to the cross. Justice leads to the cross. Faith leads to the cross. The law leads to the cross. Hope leads to the cross. Sin leads to the cross, and so much more.
Paul asked "who shall deliver e from the valley of death? He focused on the foot of the cross, and behold saw the lamb of God, the way to heaven.
Hebrews 8:6,7 Jesus, a mediator for a better covenant.
Patriarchs and Prophets Ch 42.
Some see kneeling at the cross as weakness. It is strength!
It is important to spend quality time with Jesus. Where is your Holy place, that you like t be alone with God, in His presence, laying down your needs.
Do we ask Jesus to take the blame for us? A humbling thought. Yet this is what Jesus does for us. Jesus says its okay. We must deny ourselves and accept a clean heart to experience real change. We may still have times when we feel discouragement or even defeat. We still sin. Ask again for forgiveness, and know the enemy is defeated. When we find ourselves leaning on something or someone other than Jesus, trust Him and focus on a personal relationship with Him.