Did You Think to Pray?

Did you Think to Pray? Sermon by Brian Powers on Oct 28, 2023

Luke 11:1-4

EG White Book Prayer

Why Pray? 

To know the Holy Spirit better. 

Examples of people praying:

Moses - intercession for others, for all his people. 

Daniel - 3 times per day. To help Nebuchadnezzar understand his dream. To God's strength and hope in the lion's den. 

We too can pray to a real God in Heaven. 

There is a story of a little girl who is terminally ill. She is looking up to the sky. Her Mom asks "what are you doing?" She responds, "I am talking to God, asking Him for snow". God is an amazing god and it snowed for a few blocks around her home. 

Solomon prayed for the building of the temple.

Esther and Mordecai knew that persecution was coming, with the aim of extermination. Esther asked every Jew to fast for 3 days. The law was rescinded and the man who instigated the law died. 

Elijah prayed on the mountain before the priests of Baal. Fire cam down from God on to the altar of the Living God. 

Elijah told Ahab rain was coming after a long drought. Elijah prayed 7 times, and then he saw a rain cloud forming. Elijah was persistent with prayer. 

Sometimes God tests our faith. Why? We sometimes treat God like a tooth fairy. God wants more than prayer. He wants a relationship.  We are like dust in the universe. Why does God notice us? God is calling us out of darkness. EG White wrote that the value of one soul is worth more than all the silver and gold. 

Satan tries to keep us in darkness. 

God is willing to save us. 

Hebrews 11. Hall of faith. Prayers and faith. God invites us to be in conversation with Him. God can hear everyone's prayers at the same time. 

Prayer is the key to unlock Heaven's storehouse. In the hand of faith, we discover resources of omnipotence.

Is God sometimes too busy for us? Never. 

God is able. We are the ones who resist.

Prayer by EG White pg 13.

The Saviour has unlimited resources and power. The secret of success is to ask for strength and grace. Every sincere prayer goes to heaven. 

Satan likes to make us doubt and panic. Our first reaction should be to turn to the Lord. Turn to Christ first. He will provide the solution. 

Ask and it will be given to you. Ask in faith. Prayer and faith. Throw your prayers up in the air and hope  in the promises given. Prayers not just for us, but also for our neighbours. 

Faith and prayers. Solitary prayers.  Lift up your heart to God. Plant seeds and pray. God is faithful. 

Be still and know that I am God. We change when we pray and get to know God.

God knows the end from the beginning. 

Luke 22:32

Hezekiah was sick. He was in his 40s. He was a good king and pleaded to God for more time. He was given 15 more years. He was told to take medicine for healing.

Hezekiah asked for a sign from God. Time went back ten steps. This was noted by astronomers far away. Hezekiah became bold in his strength and was showing off his wealth. A prophet asked who these people were? Hezekiah had started to neglect God and became more self focused as a result. Hezekiah had moments of weakness even as a man of God.

Abraham lied about his wife. We also make mistakes and fall down too. God is faithful to forgive. 

Are we sometimes presumptuous? Can we pray to extremes, for example for illness? Pray. Do not neglect to ask those that God has gifted with talents to help. Don't neglect yourself. Do simple things in illness such as drinking water. 

Pray for forgiveness, to be sincere, to have an open heart, to be an influence for others. Pry for the Holy Spirit.