In Common

January 27 2024 Sermon by Pastor Andrew Martinnen. A young man was  dating a young woman. They were inseparable. They went to all events together. They talked about plans to build a dream home, marriage, children, grandchildren and a dream job. One evening they were together, yet did not sit together, did not talk to each other, and avoided looking at each other. It seemed they were no longer in a relationship. 

True friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. False friends are like fallen leaves, falling everywhere. Jesus said "you are my friends". 

What is "friendship evangelism? What are genuine friends? What does the Bible say?

John 15:14,15. "You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you." 

A friend is a confidant. A friend may be on a need to know basis, military alliances for self interest, convenience friendship, one with equality, companionship, supportive, loyal, a confidant. A servant is loyal. A friend shares intimate secrets. 

Paul was in Alexandria. He speaks about the Trinity. Friends in eternity, equally God, God equally. 

Friendship is possible with humans. 

The Old Testament refers to friends of God. Abraham and Moses.

God talked to Moses as a friend. He offered Abraham a legacy. Legacy - lagos - sapphire, surrounded by stone. 

A speech event is something verbal you cannot forget. For example, something profound like an engagement, words at a special occasion, words that are uplifting or devastating. Even negative words can be a speech event. "I don't love you anymore". You will never forget, 

Moses heard God speak. God passed by. Moses had a divine encounter with God. God passed by. 

Elijah was in a cave had a divine encounter.

The disciples were on the lake on a fourth watch, and Jesus passed by. He was going to to have a divine encounter with the disciples to give them a special revelation of His divinity. They thought He was a ghost. Jesus said "Don't worry. It's just me." It was the middle of the fourth watch. 

Jesus is passing by us. He wants to reveal what us happening in the future. Jesus does not lie to us. He wants to give us mansions of glory of endless delight. 

Friends have a purpose. Christ came to Earth not to condemn but to save. 

The Holy Spirit breathed on the men in Upper Room. Go Thee therefore, Observe all things. I am with Thee to the end of the age. 

Jesus says you did not choose me. I chose you. You go bear fruit so your fruit will abide.

I the sermon on the Mount Jesus took the people back to Moses and the introduced the beatitudes. Blessed are..... He invites to let our let so shine before Him. See your good work. Have faith. 

Jesus is the light. Our light can be a reflection. 

John 15. The table is set. JEsus says "As the Father loved me, so I have loved you. .... You love one another.

Be friends. 

Corpus Christie, a city in Texas, name means Body of Christ. The city's mission statement is to deliver municipal services which meet the vital health, safety and general welfare needs of the residents and which sustain and improve their quality of life. Their claim to fame is the USSU Lexington. an air carrier. Its mission was to intimidate and destroy. We see two polar opposite mission statements. 

Jesus gave us a great commission. 

Dwight Nelson's God's Forever Friend, invites others to become God's forever friend. 

Do we see others as equals? or are we superior? Is love but / love because really love? 

Evangelism is about telling and listening. 

A visitor knocks on a door at midnight and asks for bread, Do you respond as a friend?

A thriller plant is  a beautiful potted plant. The filler plant is added to hide the soil. A spiller plant is added that will spill over the edge of the planter. Together they make something greater than each could be individually. 

A relationship with God is the thriller. The filler is the relationship to the body of Christ, the church family. The spiller is the result of going out into the community as the family grows outward and shines light to the Thriller. It happens in this order: 1. Thriller 2. Filler 3. Spiller. If not in this order then the foundation becomes imbalanced.

How do we make friends? Be friendly.  People see our character by what we do and what we say. Be genuine, What we say is important. What do we value? Riches or honesty?

Friends tend to see what they have in common. They make a commitment. 

The rich young ruler wanted acceptance. Unless you accept as a child... Be genuine.