Making a Difference - April 1, 2023 Sermon by Gerry Gibbs
Matt 24:5-14
What does it mean to be a Seventh-day Adventist?
How do people answer this?
- Go to church on Saturday
- Don't eat pork
- Believe only they will be saved (myth)
- They are the 166000 (myth)
- People who envelope themselves in the word of God, in the expression of God and Himself.
How are you defined?
A. Faith, Love of God
B. Faith of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour
C. Image it. Show they love God. ive God's word including the commandments
Do you have shortcomings? Of course. Go to Christ.
In Christ, the Holy Spirit works through us.
David was not formal in his prayers.
Some of the Psalms request to destroy their persecutors in heart wrenching prayers. After the lament, after anger expressed, it turns to praising God.
God wants us to bring our burdens to Him, to cry out. Once we lay out our burdens, we may be open to hearing His voice.
Lamentations bring us back to God. Let God hear our despair. Let anger be released. Then end with praise. Plead with God. If repeat daily, eventually you will see anger replaced with praise.
Today there is so much absence of God. Seek a relationship with God. As we interact with God, change happens and we learn what God has and wants for us. Eternal life begins now.
Population of Christians declining. Many churches are less than half capacity. Prpjections expect the Anglican church to be gone in North America by 2040. One church of 5000 now 50. Christianity since 2004 down in membership by 40%. Muslims down in membership also by 40%.
People are searching for accountability. Population from 2004 to 2020 has added 1 million people every year. Growing anger in society.
# 1 Industry Problem is fraud.
The world has growing conflicts (38 noted by the UN) Just a few include Ukraine & Russia, Haiti & gangs, Mexico & drug cartels and so many more. Conflicts include political, religious, cultural and racial.
Hate is growing around the world. Teachers who retire early because they can't manage the violence.
Accountability is changing. Growing lack of remorse for stealing. Many more people working solo online.
Should we be surprised about lessening sense of accountability and remorse?
These are signs of the times. Be aware. Do not be deceived.
There is good news. Matt 24:15-14. Keep your eyes on Christ. your heart on God. Never stop talking to God. God desires to bless us.
SDA church is growing worldwide. SDA Church is building churches worldwide. The SDA church is a connected church. Churches are not stand alone entities. The church supports new churches through a shared accountability, through church investment. Kingdom Builders focus on evangelism. There are other churches who have approached the SDA church to ask how the tithing system in our church works.
What are Seventh-day Adventists about? The love of God.
What can we do for others? Tell them we are praying for them. Simply say God bless you.
The Bible is being preached around the world. More people have access to the word of God around the world.
We need to love others whether it is easy to love or not. Recently in a USA state, a group of Christians attacked another group of people with a lifetstyle the Christians opposed. They yelled "Burn them. Kill them". It is not our job to judge. It is God's. As Christians when we allow anger to absorb us and drive our behaviour, what are we portraying? What are we losing sight of?
God is judge and Redeemer. We have confidence in salvation. It is not our job to judge others. It is our job to value people, especially when they are in need. To pray for others. It is God's job to judge. It is our job to love, care, have compassion, let people know that God loves them.