Prayer: Breath of the soul / Life giving / Spiritual life / Key in the land of faith / Life to the soul
Who is God? John 5, Hebrews 11, John 15:14,15
People were not afraid of Jesus. Walk with Jesus. "I and My Father are one".
Prayers and Praise: Psalms 9:1,2 / Psalms 91:1,2 / Psalms 5:2, 7, 11
God is waiting John 17 / Luke 22:21
Glenn Coon: ABCs of Prayer. A - Ask B - Believe C - Claim the Promise
Why ask? Transformation.
Luke 11: 9, 10
Perseverance. Pray always. Attitude of prayer.
We ask that we may give.
Believe / Faith
Matthew 21:22
Obedience is God's response to His love. Psalm 139 / 2 Chronicles 14
Forgive as forgiven
3000 promises in God's word! Joshua 1:9/ Psalms 50:15 / John 13
In Jesus' name we bear witness, we belong to Jesus. Love Him.
Pray according to God's will. Give up our will to God. Battle to self.
Mark 1:34, 35 / Luke 23:24 / James 5:16