Prayer and                            Patience

Takeaways from Power of Prayer - Patience by Lars Muller 

P - Praise / R- Repentence / A - Ask / Y  Yield

Psalms 34:1, Matt 3:2, 2 Peter 1:4, Jeremiah 33:3, Psalms 27:14

Patience - willingness to wait. Quiet, still, waiting

If we pray and do not get what we ask for, we tend to make our own gods that will give us what we want.

Are you going through hard days? Wait patiently. 

Patience, the word in decline. Why? Instant gratification? Desire to hang on to anger? Forget promises?

Phillips Brooks poet responded to query re his impatience. "I am in a hurry and God is not!"

Development if patience takes a lifetime. Many examples in the Bible.

Genesis 26. Isaac's crops blessed with great yield. Jealous Philistines filled his wells with dirt. How does Isaac respond? He moves on. He did not make war over the wells but built a new well. 

Are we willing to be like Isaac and relinquish our impatience and whatever else that brings to be in God's control? Do we have "wells" that we are not willing to give up?

5 Ws of Waiting:

Wait for WHAT? Psalms 62:1 Salvation / Psalms 106:13 Counsel / Psalms 39:37; 63:5 Hope / Isaiah 33:2; 40:30,31 Mercy.

Wait WHEN? Psalms 5:3 In the morning / Psalms 25:5 All day long

Wait WHERE? Psalms 37:7 Be present in His presence / Psalms 37:34 In the path He leads us

Why wait on God? Rev 2:2-3 / James 1:4 / 2 Peter 3:13 Doing, growing, trusting

HOW to become more patient? Divine help. Focus on Christ with the Holy Spirit in our lives. Waiting is not passive. Includes cleansing from God, giving the wells we hang on to over to God, spend time in prayer and trust Him.

HOW to WAIT: Ephesians 6:11 Sing, praise / Psalms 22:3 Reflect (journal, examine your heart, repent, talk to God, read Bible, witness.

Isaiah 64:4, 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Thank Him then practice it

Trun impatience into gratitude

Psalms 27:14