
Remember. Sermon by Gabor Makula August 19, 2023

 Jesus carved each of us in the palm of His hand
 Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life’
 We are not alone in our fight
 The Lord’s eye is upon His people
 He may not take the bitter cup out of our hands; He didn’t even for Jesus
 We need to return with true repentance; watch and pray for when we pray, we turn away Satan’s attacks
 When we are put through the fiery furnace, our earthiness is purged and refinement is given
 Keep our eyes on Jesus and prepare to be ready for tough times
 The Lord is our strength, our shield of faith - claim these as personal promises for us
 Faith will not grow unless we use it
 Trust, fight with God’s strength, like the heroes of faith
 Strive for peace and unity among others, but don’t surrender truth, don’t compromise
 Trust not in ourselves, but in Jesus and what He can do for us
 Join yourself to Jesus - His wisdom, merit
 Separate from the world in its customs, habits and principle                                                                                       By beholding we become changed; let Jesus be our example
 We can trust such a Saviour and be able to follow Him always
 Bear good fruit - ‘Love the Lord your God with all your mind, heart, strength’
Remember -
* motive gives character to act
* heart must be renewed by God’s grace
* Rev. 22:17 / Matthew 28:20