
Spiritism. Sermon by Gabor Makula, May 18, 2024

Ecclesiastes 9:5 For the living know that they will die; But the dead know nothing, And they have no more reward, For the memory of them is forgotten.

What is spiritism? Some define it as spirits of those who are dead or gone to heaven are not really dead but alive in a different state, watching over us. 

Spiritism is more than this. It is far more dangerous. Spiritism is on of the most effective tricks of Satan. 

....ism is used to describe a set of beliefs that people follow. Example: feminism, Calvinism, Buddhism.

Spiritism is the acceptance and engagement of the teaching and doctrine of evil spirits. 

Spiritism is never about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was us to accept Christ's teaching.

Spiritism could be described as being deceived  by Satan. 

Spiritual and spiritism is not the same thing. 

Spiritual is being focused on holy things. 

Spiritism is the deception of the evil spirit towards deceit and away for God's law. 

Why is is important to understand spiritism? It may seem harmless. This is part of the deception. One deceit is God does not decipher between those who love Him and those who do not. This makes them feel good especially if a loved one passes away. 

Evil spirits use different channels, but all are of the same spirit. 

Spiritism is the theory that God would overlook when we go against God's law. 

Satan was presumptuous as he deceived 1/3 of the angels. His teaching presumptuous. 

Satan convinced Eve it was good to eat of the fruit. If you eat of the fruit you will surely die was not correct says Satan. She could be very wise. 

Satan tricks people to believe that desire is the highest law of good intention, as he did with Eve. 

Adam and Eve had good intentions. 

Desire does not overrule the law. 

The Holy Spirit did not inspire Peter to deny Christ. His intentions were good. He was trying to protect Jesus. He did not intend to  to break the law, but yet he did. 

Seeds of deception are every where. Deception is disguised well. It is often cloaked in good words like freedom, happiness and free will, finding happiness. Loosen up - drink alcohol as much as you want -you deserve it - do it responsibly.  Worldly authority will give a report. 

Sin does not describe a good man. Many live in a lie. Are they free, happy?

John 8:34 Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. 

God tries to help us align our lives. Sometimes we do not recognize it. Sometimes we do not see the benefit of what God offers us. 

We can walk in faith if we know what God's will is. 

Lies and deception are tolls of enemies. These tools also include pride, self exaltation. These were behind Satan's fall. 

Can we tell the difference between truth and a lie?

We need to know what truth is. Truth is what is written. We need to understand scriptures and have a relationship with God. 

Satan and his angels have the power to do miracles. Satan tries to counterfeit the words of God.Example fire from heaven. 

Matthew 24:24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 

The elect are deceived when they separate themselves from God. We cannot tell the difference on our own. 

Have faith in the word of God, He will tell us. Even at the baptism of Christ some heard thunder, others heard the words of God.

Have faith in the word of God. Faith makes the possible impossible. Nathan had to have faith even when it seemed impossible. Peter had the knowledge of sea storms and the power of gravity. Yet his knowledge of God overruled when Jesus said "come". 

Faith makes what seems impossible to be possible. 

Unless we accept Christ eternal life is not possible. 

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Do not harden your hearts. Wash in His blood, Be rewarded with a crown.