September 2, 2023. The Wheat and the Weeds by Pastor Andrew Marttinen.
Will God only come to a perfect church? Consider the parable of the wheat and the weeds.
The first Bible published by the Bible Society was the New Testament in Mohawk.
There is a new Bible version called the First Nations Bible (FNV).
Consider the FNV telling of this parable. Consider the weeds in the garden.
The Creator Set Free tells a story. He plants good seed in the garden.
An enemy scatters bad seeds in the garden during the night.
When the gardener sees the weeds, he asks where did these weeds come from?
The Creator Set Free explains they were planted by an enemy.
The gardener asks if he should pull the weeds out.
The Creator Set Free responds no, it is too hard to tell the weeds from the wheat. If you pull out the weeds, you will accidentally pull out good wheat too. Wait until the wheat matures. Then the difference is clear. Wait. Then gather the weeds, gather them and burn them. Then you can gather the wheat.
Matthew 13: 24-30.
Weeds translated as troublesome plant that looks alot like wheat when young. It is only clear when it matures that it is not wheat. It is similar to degenerated wheat, like wild oats.
The gardener paid good money for his seed. It is tempting to get rid of the weeds in the garden to maximize the real wheat crop. To remove the weeds means there will also be good wheat removed. That is a risk the Creator Set Free does not want to take.
Have patience. In the end god will triumph. Do not be too hasty to get rid of weeds that may actually mature to show they are wheat.
God is patient with us. We should be patient with others.
God delays so the bad seed may be saved.
2 Corinthians 13.
See if Christ really be in you.