This is not a Suggestion!

This not a Suggestion! Take aways from sermon by Opoku Adjei-Afrijie January 7, 2023

Matthew 25:14-30

Talents given to servants. Two rewarded. One rebuked who kept his talent safe, and did not use it. The master was perfectly capable of doing the work on his own. The master gave these servants the privelege of sharing in working with these talents.

We are to use our talents wisely. Our gifts, abilities.

Work yields fruit. 

What were the servants attitude toward the talents? 

Go there fore and make disciples...

Revelation 14

The master did not ask the servants if they wanted to have the talents. He gave them the talents and expected them to do something with them. It was not a suggestion, an offer. 

What does it mean to serve? Do we serve to honour self or God? Do we serve to lift ourselves up or to love others and our Lord?

Biblical self love focuses on others. Love your neighbours. Do unto others...

1 Corinthians 4:7

The world's self love is creeping into the church. Do it if it fits your schedule.

The Son of man came to to serve, not be served. 

The 1st two servants had a sense of urgency and purpose. 

The third servant procrastinated. He let his fear hide his talent. He blamed the master for being a hard man. He had misgivings about the master. He knew better than the master. He had a better way. Why did he do less, not more, in fear of  hard master? He resented the master for asking of his time. 

Do we feel it is impossible to please God? That He requires us to do more than we can? Do we feel punished by Him? 

The third servant felt he had not wasted his talent. He had kept it pure and safe. 

The Lord looks at our heart, not just our works.

We are tasked to be watchmen on the tower.

Ezekiel 33:7-9.

Are we ever ridiculed for our service? Is your heart with God? Do we serve because it is easy? Do we serve because we love?

How do we get started? Pray. Repent for our shortcomings. Accept that His grace is sufficient. PRay for more labourers. Be an answer to prayer.

Time is valuable and continually becomes more scarce. We don't get extra time. We should not fear the work God gives us. God gives us the ability. 

Ask not what the Lord can do for you. Ask what you can do for the Lord. Go forward.