What Does It Mean that Jesus is Lord?

What Does It Mean That Jesus is Lord? Sermon by Pastor Andrew Marttinen.

Someone said that there is certain band that that is bigger than Jesus. The people were more focused on this band than they were on Jesus.

Christ died for our sins. Is there anything in the universe greater than Christ?

Jesus is Lord. 

What is the lordship of Christ? Do we really understand this?

Jesus is the Saviour.

A theology called Low Christology. Shows an uplifting force therefore anything uplifting is Christ. It is more than this.

Jesus is God. Jesus and the Holy Spirit are equally God, not God equally. Where does Jesus fit in?

Jesus fits in with the entire universe. Is this an overstatement? 

Colossians, the colossal city of Giants. In this city the sun is the image of the invisible god. 

Paul explains that in Christ all things were created, visible and invisible. He is before and in all things. 

God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Jesus. Christ was making peace through His blood on the cross. 

The Tyndale Bible was created before the KJV Bible. Atonement  - at-one-ment. 

Paul refers to the invisible god. It is not nice to be invisible in life. Christ is interested in us. He cares for us. He offers salvation. Salvation is Christ's problem, not ours. He finds us. God is pleased to have all His fullness in Christ. That is a bold statement. 

God. All that is true in God, is true in Jesus Christ. Texts are like textile, fabric. When woven together they give a picture of Jesus.

Christ came to the world as a baby. 

In Italy, every village had a different dialect. The top political leader of the town was the Prima of the town. Prima Dona, the highest position. The top tier. Priority.

Jesus has priority. 

In Him all things were created. 

Jesus does what God does. 

Mortar in a building is not like glue. It is a mediating factor between the bricks. AS it settles it keeps the house in order. 

In Christ, all things hold together. 

In the 1980s was the Iran/Iraq war. A US mediator was present. When the mediator left, there came a great time of trouble. 

Christ is not like a human mediator. He does not go away. He keeps things going. He fulfills His intended purpose. 

Romans 11:38 "For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever." Vs 18 "do not boast against the branches. But if you do boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you."

Sin has corrupted what was created. Can what has been corrupted be recreated? Uplift what has been lost. 

Jesus is Lord. He holds it all together. He was there before everything came into existence. 

People can become upset about something in their church. My church? Your church? It is God's church!!

He promises vibrant harmony because of His death.

The Trinity. Equally God, but not equal. This enhances the Trinity. God the Father was pleased to have all His fullness in His Son. The Son's centeredness glorifies the Father. 

Paul says every knee should bow, every tongue acknowledge , every head bow.

"To the glory of the Father".

Jesus said the Spirit will glorify Him because The Spirit would be sent from Jesus. 

John 16:14. The Spirit proclaims Christ, enhances His work.

Jesus Christ is Lord of all. 

Paul shared with the Colossians about Jesus Christ in relation to what they understood, the invisible god.

God wants to be known. Sin obscures God. We are given an image of God through Christ.

God said "let us man in our image". In Hebrew this can be interpreted "as our image". As His ambassadors, showing people what God is like.

When we click on a light switch all the goodness of the light luminates the room. We have access to the power of God. 

Most churches first belief is grounded in the Bible, then God. Should it not be Belief in God and relationship with God as seen in the Bible.

James Crest looked at the 27 beliefs of the the SDA Church. He applauded work making these beliefs to church members. He said how do you explain these beliefs to a non-believer? Jesus is the essence of life.

What does the church believe? Every belief starts with the Bible. It focuses on Jesus' birth and His resurrection. 

Jesus is inviting you to enable you to have life abundant. 

Are you centred on Jesus

Jesus died for you. The words on the cross say it all. It is finished!

The SDA belief in the sanctuary. When you understand this belief, it is harder not to be saved. The sanctuary is all about Jesus' atonement. He is the Light of the World, the Bread of Life, the Mercy Seat.

Do we measure our faith by anything else? no one is a hopeless case because Jesus is Lord.